What would a world without superheroes be like?

1 min readMay 6, 2022

The 28th of April is National Superhero Day. Created by Marvel employees in 1995 to celebrate superheroes, it’s a chance to honour those who serve and protect while fighting evil. This got me thinking about how many superheroes we have around us, and not just those fictional characters we see in films and books.

In the past few years, we have seen many people step up into the role of superheroes.

We’ve had a pandemic forcing doctors and nurses to the frontline, leaving their families for days on end to help those in need in very arduous and unforgiving environments; and the many who work behind the scenes to support our frontline staff and the community.

Bushfires hit Australia with a ferocity we’ve never seen before. Our dedicated Fire and Rescue agencies, broader Emergency Services along with the SES selflessly put themselves in extremely dangerous situations to save lives and homes.

Originally published at https://fine-photography.com.au on May 6, 2022.




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