How to create a gallery wall of your photos at home

4 min readOct 26, 2021

Decide on the photos for your picture wall

The first step when making a gallery wall of your photos at home is to decide on the photos you would like to use. With every smart phone having high quality cameras and the everyday person capturing shots of their family everyday, this may not be as easy a task as it seems. Or there’s the option of professional family photos and to use a spread from a family photo shoot. The benefit of professional photos is you will generally already have a theme running through them.

Create a theme and colour palette for your gallery wall

The next step in creating a gallery wall is to decide on a theme and colour palette. Depending on your home, different styles and themes will either add or detract from the décor. There will be a vast difference between edgy city based images to laid back beach photos. Another consideration is the colours in the images as well as the frames you will ultimately choose. If choosing to have a professional photo shoot to create photos for your photo wall, you will need to consider the outfits your family wear. Do you want the overall look to be streamlined with everything looking similar to each other or an eclectic mix of colours and styles?

Odd or even number of photos

It’s important to decide on how many images you would like, and whether you use an odd or even number of photos. This will depend greatly on whether you would like your gallery wall to showcase images of the same sizes and /or dimensions or a more random mix. There’s the choice to line up an even number of photos or if going for the more eclectic mix of different sizes and dimensions, an odd number may suit better. Your home will determine which fits best — a regimented group of the same size or something with more artistic flair.

Measure gallery wall to decide on photography print sizes and layout

Once you have looked at these factors, the next step is the measure your wall and decide on the layout and photo sizes based on your space. You can hang photos horizontal or vertical or a mix of both to add extra character to your photo wall. Before hammering lots of holes in your wall, we recommend laying all your photos out on the floor to see how it all looks and comes together. Once you like the layout, it will be easier to mark your walls to then add the picture hooks to hang everything.

Photo frames for your wall

You have decided the photos and the layout, now is the time to find the right frames. Keep in mind that the frames you choose may make a large impact on your theme and style of the gallery wall. They also don’t have to all be the same size and colour. Will the frames be bold and bright colours or muted ones that blend into the background and allow the photos to stand out? Another great way to show off your photos is to float mount them. This is where the photo looks like it’s floating above the mat inside a frame. This can add another element to your photo wall.

Hanging the photos on your gallery wall

The last step is to hang your photos for your picture wall. Whether you use nails or picture hooks will depend on the studs in your walls (wood or metal). The best bet is to lightly mark your walls with pencil and decide from there where you need to hammer in the hooks. You can also use a spirit level if you need the extra reassurance that the photos are sitting straight and level.

The final look

Now is the time to sit back and enjoy your work. The best thing about a gallery wall is it is easily updated in the future. If you want to change things up, you can simply replace a photo or two. If you use the exact same size and similar style, it will be easily interchangeable.

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Experience custom photography at its finest with Nicholas Fiennes. Specialising in people photography, he creates timeless portraits of you and your loved ones.